How can we help?
Order an electricity connection to a detached house
If you are building your own house, you will need an electricity connection from your local electricity network company. Usually, you should order the electricity connection already at the start phase of construction, immediately after you have been granted the building permit. In Helsinki, the electricity connections are provided by Helen Electricity Network Ltd.
Solar power connection
Introduction of your own solar power plant enables you to produce your own electricity. The introduction of your own plant requires a permit from the local electricity network company. Please make sure that the electrical contractor who installed your plant submits a notification of your installation to us. No fee is charged for the notification.
Order an electricity connection to a property
If you are building a property, you will need an electricity connection from the local network company. Larger construction projects need a separate construction site electricity connection for the duration of construction.
Tracking your connection order
In the connection order tracking service, company customers can monitor the progress of the orders and add information, when necessary.
Solar power connection
Introduction of your own solar power plant enables you to produce your own electricity. The introduction of your own plant requires a permit from the local electricity network company.
Temporary electricity connection
A temporary connection is drawn up as a fixed-term connection mainly for two years at a time. A temporary electricity connection is suitable, for example, during construction work.

Order a text message on power cuts
With the free text message service of Helen Electricity Network, our customers can receive alerts about power cuts affecting their own place of electricity use. The service is free of charge to customers.

Art in electricity cabinets
We have been carrying out electricity cabinet painting projects around Helsinki for several years. Are you interested in participating in painting cabinets?